試験Desktop-Specialist-JPN トピック9 問題37 スレッド

Tableau Desktop-Specialist-JPNのリアル試験問題集
問題 #: 37
トピック #: 9
CoffeeChainテーブルを使用して、各製品タイプの売上(棒グラフ)と利益(折れ線グラフ)を示す2軸グラフを作成します。 2013年のハーブティー製品タイプの利益はどのくらいでしたか?

おすすめの解答:C 解答を投票する

If you answered this question quickly and correctly, you're well prepared for the exam! Most students stumble while creating a Dual axis chart, so go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back!
To create a dual axis chart for the problem mentioned:
1) Drag Product Type to the column shelf, and Sales and Profit to the Row shelf:

2) Now, to focus on 2013, drag Date to the filter shelf and select only 2013:

3) Now, click on the Profit pill in the Rows Shelf, and select dual axis:

4) Now, in the marks shelf, choose Sales, and change the chart type to bar. Similarly, for Profit, change the chart type to Line.

Now the chart looks like this:

Now we change the Profit chart type to line:

5) Finally, we synchronise the axis as follows: Right click on the axis, and choose 'Synchronise axis'

And, our final view and answer is:

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