[2023年10月11日]SPLK-1001試験問題集でSplunk練習テスト問題 [Q63-Q80]




SPLK-1001 試験は、65 問の多肢選択問題とマッチング問題で構成され、受験者は 90 分間で試験を受けることができます。試験はオンラインまたはテストセンターで受験することができます。試験を受験するためには、まず Splunk Fundamentals 1 コースを修了するか、同等の知識と経験を持っている必要があります。Splunk Core Certified User 認定を取得することは、個人が Splunk ソフトウェアの基礎的な理解を持ち、基本的なデータ分析タスクを実行できることを示すものです。Splunk と一緒に働く IT 専門家や、データ分析やモニタリングに Splunk を利用する組織にとって貴重な資格です。


質問 # 63
Which of the following is an option after clicking an item in search results?

  • A. Saving the search to a JSON file.
  • B. Adding the item to the search.
  • C. Saving the item to a report
  • D. Adding the item to a dashboard


質問 # 64
Select the answer that displays the accurate placing of the pipe in the following search string:
index=security sourcetype=access_* status=200 stats count by price

  • A. index=security sourcetype=access_* status=200 stats | count by price
  • B. index=security sourcetype=access_* status=200 | stats count | by price
  • C. index=security sourcetype=access_* status=200 | stats count by price
  • D. index=security sourcetype=access_* | status=200 | stats count by price


質問 # 65
In the Fields sidebar, what does the number directly to the right of the field name indicate?

  • A. The value of the field
  • B. The number of unique values for the field
  • C. The numeric non-unique values of the field
  • D. The number of values for the field


Explanation/Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.3/SearchTutorial/Usefieldstosearch

質問 # 66
Which search matches the events containing the terms "error" and "fail"?

  • A. index=security NOT error NOT fail
  • B. index=security "error failure"
  • C. index=security error OR fail
  • D. index=security Error Fail


Explanation/Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.3.1/SearchReference/Search

質問 # 67
Which Field/Value pair will return only events found in the index named security?

  • A. Index=Security
  • B. index!=Security
  • C. index=Security
  • D. Index=security


質問 # 68
When editing a dashboard which of the following are possible options? (select all that apply)

  • A. Modify the chart type displayed in a dashboard panel
  • B. Drag a dashboard panel to a different location on the dashboard
  • C. Export a dashboard panel
  • D. Add an output


質問 # 69
How can results from a specified static lookup file be displayed?

  • A. Settings > Lookups > Input
  • B. inputlookup command
  • C. lookup command
  • D. Settings > Lookups > Upload


質問 # 70
What can be included in the All Fields option in the sidebar?

  • A. Non-interesting fields
  • B. Field descriptions
  • C. Dashboards
  • D. Metadata only


質問 # 71
NOT status = 100:

  • A. Will return event where status field exist but value of that field is not 100 and all events where status field
  • B. Will display result depending on the data.
  • C. Will return event where status field exist but value of that field is not 100.


doesn't exist.

質問 # 72
Use this command to use lookup fields in a search and see the lookup fields in the field sidebar.

  • A. lookup
  • B. inputlookup


質問 # 73
What happens when a field is added to the Selected Fields list in the fields sidebar'?

  • A. Splunk will re-run the search job in Verbose Mode to prioritize the new Selected Field
  • B. Splunk will highlight related fields as a suggestion to add them to the Selected Fields list.
  • C. Custom selections will replace the Interesting Fields that Splunk populated into the list at search time
  • D. The selected field and its corresponding values will appear underneath the events in the search results


質問 # 74
Which of the following is a metadata field assigned to every event in Splunk?

  • A. host
  • B. bytes
  • C. owner
  • D. action


質問 # 75
At index time, in which field does Splunk store the timestamp value?

  • A. time
  • B. EventTime
  • C. timestamp
  • D. _time


Explanation/Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Data/HowSplunkextractstimestamps

質問 # 76
Documentations for Splunk can be found at docs.splunk.com

  • A. False
  • B. True


質問 # 77
Select the correct option that applies to Index time processing (Choose three.).

  • A. Settings
  • B. Input
  • C. Indexing
  • D. Parsing
  • E. Searching


質問 # 78
By default, which of the following fields would be listed in the fields sidebar under Interesting Fields?

  • A. index
  • B. source
  • C. host
  • D. sourcetype


質問 # 79
A field exists in search results, but isn't being displayed in the fields sidebar. How can it be added to the fields sidebar?

  • A. This scenario isn't possible because all fields returned from a search always appear in the fields sidebar.
  • B. Click Selected Fields and select the field to add it to Interesting Fields.
  • C. Click Interesting Fields and select the field to add it to Selected Fields.
  • D. Click All Fields and select the field to add it to Selected Fields.



質問 # 80




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