2024年最新の有効なSPLK-1002日本語テスト解答とSplunk試験PDF問題を試そう [Q22-Q40]



無料Splunk SPLK-1002日本語試験問題と解答トレーニングを提供していますJPNTest

質問 # 22
value 引数が指定されていない場合、fillnull コマンドは null 値を何に置き換えますか?

  • A. NULL
  • B. NaN
  • C. 該当なし
  • D. 0


The fillnull command is a search command that replaces null values with a specified value or 0 if no value is specified. Null values are values that are missing, empty, or undefined in Splunk. The fillnull command can replace null values for all fields or for specific fields. The fillnull command can take an optional argument called value that specifies the value to replace null values with. If no value argument is specified, the fillnull command will replace null values with 0 by default.

質問 # 23
Splunk Common Information Model(CIM)アドオンには何が含まれていますか? (該当するものをすべて選択)

  • A. 自動データモデルアクセラレーション
  • B. 事前構成されたデータモデル
  • C. フィールドとイベントカテゴリタグ
  • D. カスタムビジュアライゼーション


The Splunk Common Information Model (CIM) add-on is a collection of pre-built data models and knowledge objects that help you normalize your data from different sources and make it easier to analyze and report on it3. The CIM add-on includes pre-configured data models that cover various domains such as Alerts, Email, Database, Network Traffic, Web and more3. Therefore, option B is correct. The CIM add-on also includes fields and event category tags that define the common attributes and labels for the data models3. Therefore, option C is correct. The CIM add-on does not include custom visualizations or automatic data model acceleration. Therefore, options A and D are incorrect.

質問 # 24

  • A. 正規表現は編集できなくなりました。
  • B. 必須フィールドのないイベントは検索に表示されません。
  • C. 必要な文字列を持つイベントのみが抽出に含まれます。
  • D. 抽出されるフィールドは、今後のすべてのイベントで必要になります。


The Field Extractor (FX) allows you to use regular expressions (regex) to extract fields from your events using a graphical interface or by manually editing the regex2. When you use the FX to perform a regex field extraction, you can use the require option to specify a string that must be present in an event for it to be included in the extraction2. This way, you can filter out events that do not contain the required string and focus on the events that are relevant for your extraction2. Therefore, option D is correct, while options A, B and C are incorrect.

質問 # 25

  • A. !
  • B. #
  • C. *
  • D. ^


When using a field value variable with a Workflow Action, the exclamation mark (!) will escape the data. A Workflow Action is a custom action that performs a task when you click on a field value in your search results. A Workflow Action can be configured with various options, such as label name, base URL, URI parameters, post arguments, app context, etc. A field value variable is a placeholder for the field value that will be used to replace the variable in the URL or post argument of the Workflow Action. A field value variable is written as fieldname, where field_name is the name of the field whose value will be used. However, if the field value contains special characters that need to be escaped, such as spaces, commas, etc., you can use the exclamation mark (!) before and after the field value variable to escape the data. For example, if you have a field value variable host, you can write it as !$host! to escape any special characters in the host field value.
Therefore, option B is the correct answer.

質問 # 26
フィールドのサイドバーには________は表示されません。 (該当するものをすべて選択。)

  • A. 抽出されたすべてのフィールド
  • B. 興味深い分野
  • C. 選択したフィールド


質問 # 27
次の検索のうち、マクロの有効な使用法を示しているのはどれですか? (該当するものをすべて選択)

  • A. index = main source = mySource oldField = * |統計if( 'makeMyField(oldField)')| table _time newField
  • B. index = main source = mySource oldField = * | "'newField(' makeMyField(oldField) ')'" | table _time newField
  • C. index = main source = mySource oldField = * | eval newField = 'makeMyField(oldField)' | table _time newField
  • D. index = main source = mySource oldField = * | 'makeMyField(oldField)' | table _time newField



質問 # 28

  • A. スタックモードではチャートを表示できません。タイムチャートのみを表示できます。
  • B. フォーマットメニューでスタックモードを変更します。
  • C. stackコマンドを使用します。
  • D. [トレリスレイアウトを使用]オプションをオンにします。


A chart is a graphical representation of your search results that shows the relationship between two or more fields2. You can display a chart in stack mode by changing the Stack Mode option in the Format menu2. Stack mode allows you to stack multiple series on top of each other in a chart to show the cumulative values of each series2. Therefore, option C is correct, while options A, B and D are incorrect because they are not ways to display a chart in stack mode.

質問 # 29
マクロ Weekly_sales (2) には、次の検索文字列が含まれています。
Index-games 製品売上高 = $price$ $AmountS01d$ を評価します

  • A. 'weekly_sales (3.99, 10)
  • B. 'weekly_sales(3.99, 10) '
  • C. 'weekly_sales($3.99$, $10$)
  • D. 'weekly_sales(3)


The correct answer is C. 'weekly_sales (3.99, 10)'. This is because search macros accept arguments without quotation marks or dollar signs, and the number of arguments must match the number of parameters defined in the macro. The other options are incorrect because they either use quotation marks or dollar signs around the arguments, or they provide a different number of arguments than the macro expects. You can learn more about how to use search macros in searches from the Splunk documentation1.

質問 # 30

  • A. インデックス-メイン|トランスセッションIDを拒否します
  • B. インデックス=メイン|トランザクションセッションID |そのtransaction = reject
  • C. インデックス=メイン|トランザクションセッションID |ここで、transaction = reject ''
  • D. インデックス-メイン|トランザクションセッションID |検索拒否


The transaction command is used to group events that share a common value for one or more fields into transactions2. The transaction command assigns a transaction ID to each group of events and creates new fields such as duration, eventcount and eventlist for each transaction2. To identify all of the contributing events within a transaction that contains at least one REJECT event, you can use the following syntax: index=main | transaction sessionid | search REJECT2. This search will first group the events by sessionid, then filter out the transactions that do not contain REJECT in any of their events2. Therefore, option B is correct, while options A, C and D are incorrect because they do not follow the correct syntax for using the transaction command or the search command.

質問 # 31
フィールドエクストラクタ(FX)を使用する場合、次の区切り文字のどれが機能しますか? (該当するものをすべて選択)

  • A. タブ
  • B. パイプ
  • C. スペース
  • D. コロン



質問 # 32

  • A. 建築家
  • B. 管理者
  • C. ナレッジマネージャー
  • D. ユーザー


Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.3/Pivot/IntroductiontoPivot

質問 # 33
eval とはどのようなコマンドですか?

  • A. 集中ストリーミング
  • B. レポートの生成
  • C. 一部のモードでストリーミング
  • D. 分散ストリーミング


The correct answer is C. Distributable streaming. This is because the eval command is a type of command that can run on the indexers before the results are sent to the search head. This reduces the amount of data that needs to be transferred and improves the search performance. Distributable streaming commands can operate on each event or result individually, without depending on other events or results. You can learn more about the types of commands and how they affect search performance from the Splunk documentation1.

質問 # 34
次の検索モードのうち、フィールド サイドバーに抽出されたすべてのフィールドが自動的に返されるのはどれですか?

  • A. スマート
  • B. C. 詳細
  • C. 速い


The search modes determine how Splunk processes your search and displays your results2. There are three search modes: Fast, Smart and Verbose2. The search mode that automatically returns all extracted fields in the fields sidebar is Verbose2. The Verbose mode shows all the fields that are extracted from your events, including default fields, indexed fields and search-time extracted fields2. The fields sidebar is a panel that shows the fields that are present in your search results2. Therefore, option C is correct, while options A and B are incorrect because they are not search modes that automatically return all extracted fields in the fields sidebar.

質問 # 35

  • A. イベントログで見つかったクレジットカードトランザクションの数を返します。
  • B. イベントのグループから単一のイベントを作成します。
  • C. 1つ以上の値に基づいて2つのイベントを分離します。
  • D. 時間に基づいて一連のトランザクションをグループ化します。


質問 # 36
次の検索コントロールのうち、検索を再実行しないのはどれですか? (該当するものをすべて選択。)

  • A. 選択を解除
  • B. ズームアウト
  • C. タイムラインでバーの範囲を選択する
  • D. タイムラインでバーを選択する


The timeline is a graphical representation of your search results that shows the distribution of events over time2. You can use the timeline to zoom in or out of a specific time range or to select one or more bars on the timeline to filter your results by that time range2. However, these actions will not re-run the search, but rather refine the existing results based on the selected time range2. Therefore, options B, C and D are correct, while option A is incorrect because zooming out will re-run the search with a broader time range.

質問 # 37

  • A. スタックモードではチャートを表示できません。タイムチャートのみを表示できます。
  • B. フォーマットメニューでスタックモードを変更します。
  • C. stackコマンドを使用します。
  • D. [トレリスレイアウトを使用]オプションをオンにします。


質問 # 38

  • A. trueの場合の結果、falseの場合の結果、ブール式
  • B. ブール式、falseの場合は結果、trueの場合は結果
  • C. falseの場合の結果、trueの場合の結果、ブール式
  • D. ブール式、trueの場合は結果、falseの場合は結果


The eval command 'if' function requires the following three arguments (in order): boolean expression, result if true, result if false. The eval command is a search command that allows you to create new fields or modify existing fields by performing calculations or transformations on them. The eval command can use various functions to perform different operations on fields. The 'if' function is one of the functions that can be used with the eval command to perform conditional evaluations on fields. The 'if' function takes three arguments: a boolean expression that evaluates to true or false, a result that will be returned if the boolean expression is true, and a result that will be returned if the boolean expression is false. The 'if' function returns one of the two results based on the evaluation of the boolean expression.

質問 # 39
検索結果から実行できるワークフローアクションは次のうちどれですか? (該当するものをすべて選択)

  • A. ルックアップ
  • B. GET
  • C. POST
  • D. 検索


As mentioned before, there are two types of workflow actions: GET and POST1. Both types of workflow actions can be executed from search results by clicking on an event field value that has a workflow action configured for it1. Another type of workflow action is Search, which runs another search based on the field value1. Therefore, options A, B and D are correct, while option C is incorrect because LOOKUP is not a type of workflow action.

質問 # 40

トップクラスSplunk SPLK-1002日本語オンライン問題集:https://www.jpntest.com/shiken/SPLK-1002J-mondaishu



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