リリースSalesforce Salesforce-Sales-Representative更新された問題PDF [Q31-Q51]


リリースSalesforce Salesforce-Sales-Representative更新された問題PDF


Salesforce Salesforce-Sales-Representative 認定試験の出題範囲:

トピック 1
  • 見込み顧客を評価する方法と販売プロセスの次の段階にいつ移行するかを特定する
  • 注文を予約して履行するために必要なアクションを特定する
トピック 2
  • 顧客のニーズに基づいたソリューションの価値提案を開発して提示する
  • パイプの進行とステージの速度について説明する
トピック 3
  • ビジネス関係を発展させ、主要な役割やペルソナとのパートナーシップを構築する
  • 予測プロセスを推進する主要なインプットについて説明する
トピック 4
  • ビジネス取引に関連するリスクと機会を測定する
  • 関係を育み、製品の導入を促進して顧客の価値を最大化する
トピック 5
  • 顧客のコミットメントを獲得し、正式な契約を締結する
  • ソート リーダーシップを発揮し、顧客の考え方を変えるための信頼性を構築する
トピック 6
  • 販売後のカスタマー ジャーニーを特定する
  • 複数のタッチポイントを活用して見込み客の関心を高め、ソリューションがニーズを満たす理由を調整します


質問 # 31
A sales representative worked with a primary account for the past year. They want to make sure they continue providing the best possible service and value to the customer.
How can the sales rep comprehensively assess the effectiveness of their account management strategy?

  • A. Performance reviews with their team
  • B. Key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • C. Customer satisfaction surveys


Key performance indicators (KPIs) are measures that can help the sales rep comprehensively assess the effectiveness of their account management strategy. KPIs are quantifiable metrics that reflect how well the sales rep is achieving their account management goals and objectives, such as revenue growth, customer retention, customer satisfaction, cross-selling, upselling, etc. KPIs help to track progress, identify strengths and weaknesses, and improve performance. Reference: https://www.salesforce.com/resources/articles/account-management/#account-management-kpis

質問 # 32
A sales representative is working to understand a prospect's pain points, desired outcomes, and emotional drivers.
In which phase of the sales process is this deal?

  • A. Collaborate
  • B. Connect
  • C. Create


Create is the phase of the sales process where this deal is when the sales rep is working to understand a prospect's pain points, desired outcomes, and emotional drivers. Create is the phase where the sales rep presents and demonstrates how their product can address the prospect's pain points and needs, and deliver tangible benefits and outcomes. Create is also where the sales rep builds rapport and trust with the prospect by showing empathy and understanding of their emotional drivers. Reference: https://www.salesforce.com/resources/articles/sales-process/#sales-process-stages

質問 # 33
A sales representative is working on an opportunity that has recently progressed to a more advanced stage in the deal lifecycle.
Which action should the sales rep take to ensure accurate forecasting?

  • A. Update the opportunity's stage and forecast category to reflect the recent progress.
  • B. Continue forecasting based on the previous stage until the deal closes.
  • C. Focus on unrelated opportunities and assume the current opportunity will close.


Updating the opportunity's stage and forecast category to reflect the recent progress is what the sales rep should do to ensure accurate forecasting. An opportunity is a qualified prospect who has a high probability of buying the product. An opportunity stage is a measure of how far along the opportunity is in the sales process, such as prospecting, qualification, proposal, negotiation, etc. A forecast category is a measure of how likely the opportunity is to close as won, such as pipeline, best case, commit, closed, etc. Updating the opportunity's stage and forecast category helps to reflect the current status and potential outcome of the opportunity, as well as to provide a realistic and reliable prediction of future sales revenue. Reference: https://www.salesforce.com/resources/articles/sales-forecasting/#sales-forecasting-definition

質問 # 34
A sales representative is fulfilling an order using the step-by-step instructions for that specific customer What are these instructions known as?

  • A. Standard operating procedures
  • B. Fulfilment procedures
  • C. Standard engagement steps


Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are detailed instructions that describe how to perform a specific task or process. SOPs help to ensure consistency, quality, and compliance in fulfilling orders for different customers. Reference: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/modules/salesforce-essentials-basics/salesforce-essentials-sales-process

質問 # 35
In addition to learning more about customers, what does customer-centric discovery allow a sales representative to do?

  • A. Present pricing and contracts as quickly as possible.
  • B. Pitch a product regardless of the customer's need.
  • C. Co-create strategies based on confirmed challenges.


Co-creating strategies based on confirmed challenges is what customer-centric discovery allows a sales rep to do, in addition to learning more about customers. Customer-centric discovery is the process of asking questions and listening to customers to understand their situation, needs, goals, and challenges. Co-creating strategies means working with customers to design and propose solutions that can address their confirmed challenges and deliver value and outcomes. Co-creating strategies helps to build trust and rapport, demonstrate expertise and differentiation, and influence purchase decisions.

質問 # 36
A new sales representative is struggling to fill the top of their sales funnel.
What is the potential benefit of revisiting dead opportunities?

  • A. To see it new decision makers are available
  • B. To determine if the customer needs have changed
  • C. To gain customer feedback and improve their approach


Determining if the customer needs have changed is a potential benefit of revisiting dead opportunities. Dead opportunities are prospects who did not buy the product for various reasons, such as budget, timing, or fit. Revisiting dead opportunities can help to identify if their situation has changed, if their pain points have increased, or if they are more open to considering the product again. Reference: https://www.salesforce.com/resources/articles/lead-generation/#lead-generation-strategies

質問 # 37
Why is collaborating with departments such as marketing and service crucial to generating a new pipeline?

  • A. To avoid competing for the best leads
  • B. To expand and improve networking skills
  • C. To leverage additional expertise and resources


Leveraging additional expertise and resources is why collaborating with departments such as marketing and service is crucial to generating a new pipeline. A pipeline is a set of opportunities or potential customers that a sales rep is pursuing or managing in order to close sales. Collaborating with marketing and service helps to access their knowledge, skills, and tools that can help the sales rep generate more leads, nurture more prospects, and close more deals.

質問 # 38
A sales representative just closed a deal and wants to make sure the customer is set up for success.
How can the sales rep ensure the customer has a great experience with the product?

  • A. Provide timely support and training.
  • B. Share other customer success stories.
  • C. Recommend additional products and services.


Providing timely support and training is one of the best ways to ensure the customer has a great experience with the product. Support and training help the customer to use the product effectively, efficiently, and confidently, as well as to troubleshoot any issues or challenges they may encounter. Support and training also help to build trust, loyalty, and retention with the customer. Reference: https://www.salesforce.com/resources/articles/customer-service/#customer-service-tips

質問 # 39
A sales representative has a customer who is indecisive about the proposed solution and hesitant to close the contract.
How should the sales rep convince the customer to find the solution invaluable and close the contract?

  • A. Offer promotional discounts.
  • B. Extend a free trial.
  • C. Bundle additional products.


Offering promotional discounts is a way to convince an indecisive customer to find the solution invaluable and close the contract by creating a sense of urgency, exclusivity, and reciprocity. Promotional discounts can motivate the customer to act quickly before they miss out on a good deal, as well as make them feel special and appreciated for choosing your solution. Reference: https://www.salesforce.com/resources/articles/sales-promotion/#sales-promotion-examples

質問 # 40
Which element should a sales representative understand to determine if a sale quota is attainable?

  • A. The percentage of variable compensation
  • B. Measures such as activity and outcome
  • C. If the compensation plan is capped or uncapped


Measures such as activity and outcome are elements that the sales rep should understand to determine if a sales quota is attainable. Activity measures are indicators of how much effort and action the sales rep puts into achieving their sales quota, such as number of calls made, emails sent, meetings scheduled, etc. Outcome measures are indicators of how much result and impact the sales rep achieves from their sales quota, such as number of leads generated, opportunities created, deals closed, etc. Reference: https://www.salesforce.com/resources/articles/sales-quota/#sales-quota-definition

質問 # 41
A prospect visited a company's website and completed a form expressing interest in a product.
What should a sales rep focus on when qualifying the prospect?

  • A. Customer needs
  • B. Product features
  • C. Marketing goals


Customer needs are what the sales rep should focus on when qualifying a prospect who visited a company's website and completed a form expressing interest in a product. Customer needs are the problems, challenges, goals, or desires that the prospect has and that the product can address. Focusing on customer needs helps to understand the value proposition of the product, build rapport and trust with the prospect, and determine their fit and readiness for the product. Reference: https://www.salesforce.com/resources/articles/sales-process/#qualify

質問 # 42
What measure will yield the most actionable information about an organization's territory model success?

  • A. Pipeline
  • B. Annualized Contract Value
  • C. Organization-defined key metric


An organization-defined key metric is a measure that will yield the most actionable information about an organization's territory model success. An organization-defined key metric is a specific and relevant indicator that reflects how well the territory model is aligned with the organization's goals and strategies, such as market share, customer satisfaction, revenue growth, etc. An organization-defined key metric helps to evaluate performance, identify gaps and opportunities, and optimize results. Reference: https://www.salesforce.com/resources/articles/sales-territory-management/#sales-territory-management-metrics

質問 # 43
A sales representative receives an objection and encourages the customer to elaborate on their hesitation and responses.
Which type of questions are they leveraging?

  • A. Confirming
  • B. Clarifying
  • C. Change


Clarifying questions are the type of questions that the sales rep is leveraging when they encourage the customer to elaborate on their hesitation and responses. Clarifying questions are questions that help to understand, verify, or confirm the information or meaning of what the customer says. Clarifying questions help to avoid confusion, misunderstanding, or miscommunication, as well as to provide relevant information or solutions. Reference: https://www.salesforce.com/resources/articles/sales-questions/#sales-questions-types

質問 # 44
How should a sales representative use a client profile during the sales process?

  • A. To create messages that appeal to a broad audience
  • B. To build a standard message to maximize return on investment (ROI)
  • C. To tailor a message to meet a target audience's needs


Tailoring a message to meet a target audience's needs is how a sales rep should use a client profile during the sales process. A client profile is a document that summarizes the characteristics, preferences, and behaviors of a specific segment or group of customers. A message is a communication or presentation that the sales rep delivers to the customers to persuade them to buy their product or service. Tailoring a message helps to show relevance, value, and differentiation to the target audience, as well as to capture their attention and interest.

質問 # 45
How does understanding a customer's business strategies and goals help a sales representative scope a solution?

  • A. Helps predict if the opportunity will close in the current quarter
  • B. Allows the sales rep to move on to their next deal more quickly
  • C. Tailors the sales pitch and offers to align with the customers objectives


Tailoring the sales pitch and offers to align with the customers objectives is how understanding a customer's business strategies and goals helps a sales rep scope a solution. Scoping a solution means defining and presenting the features, benefits, and value of the product that can address the customer's pain points and needs. Tailoring the sales pitch and offers helps to show how the solution can help the customer achieve their desired outcomes, as well as to differentiate it from competitors. Reference: https://www.salesforce.com/resources/articles/sales-process/#present

質問 # 46
A sales representative is aware of an upcoming end-of-contract period for a key customer.
How should the sales rep adapt their sales activities to address this change?

  • A. Focus on finding new customers to replace the potentially last contract.
  • B. Proactively engage with the customer to renew or expand the contract.
  • C. Wait for the contract to expire before engaging with the customer.


Proactively engaging with the customer to renew or expand the contract is how the sales rep should adapt their sales activities to address the upcoming end-of-contract period for a key customer. Proactively engaging means reaching out to the customer before the contract expires, and initiating a conversation about their satisfaction, needs, and goals. This helps to build trust and loyalty, demonstrate value and differentiation, and identify opportunities to renew or upsell the contract. Reference: https://www.salesforce.com/resources/articles/account-management/#account-management-renewals

質問 # 47
A sales representative wants to drive the adoption of a new product with a customer.
How should the sales rep address the customer's question: "What's in it for me?"

  • A. Offer a product sample.
  • B. Provide product documentation.
  • C. Articulate the business value.


Articulating the business value is how the sales rep should address the customer's question: "What's in it for me?" Business value is the benefit or advantage that the product provides to the customer in terms of improving their situation, solving their problems, fulfilling their needs, or achieving their goals. Articulating the business value helps to show the customer how the product can help them succeed and grow. Reference: https://www.salesforce.com/resources/articles/value-selling/#value-selling-definition

質問 # 48
What are the four elements of emotional intelligence?

  • A. Self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and skilled relationships
  • B. Discover, define, design, and deliver
  • C. Plan, engage, execute, and close


Self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and skilled relationships are the four elements of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage one's own emotions and those of others. Emotional intelligence helps to improve communication, collaboration, and influence in sales. Reference: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/modules/emotional-intelligence/emotional-intelligence-introduction

質問 # 49
A sales representative clarifies how a specific customer will benefit from the solution proposed.
Which part of a solution unit is the sales rep using?

  • A. Benefit
  • B. Fact
  • C. Application


A benefit is a part of a solution unit that clarifies how a specific customer will benefit from the solution proposed. A benefit is the value or advantage that the solution provides to the customer, such as saving time, money, or effort, or increasing productivity, quality, or satisfaction. A benefit should be specific, measurable, and relevant to the customer's pain points and needs. Reference: https://www.salesforce.com/resources/articles/value-selling/#value-selling-definition

質問 # 50
A customer has questions about the features of one product they are evaluating.
What is the first step the sales representative should take to address this?

  • A. Dispatch service technician.
  • B. Schedule new product demo.
  • C. Supply product references.


Supplying product references is the first step that the sales rep should take to address a customer's questions about the features of one product they are evaluating. Product references are testimonials or case studies from existing customers who have used the product and can vouch for its features and benefits. Product references help to answer questions, provide proof points, build trust and credibility, and influence purchase decisions. Reference: https://www.salesforce.com/resources/articles/customer-stories/#customer-stories-definition

質問 # 51




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