無料2022年最新のCKAD問題集で100%合格保証には最新の サンプル [Q10-Q30]


無料2022年最新のCKAD問題集で100%合格保証には最新の サンプル

準備CKAD問題解答無料更新には100%試験合格保証 [2022]

Linux Foundation CKAD 認定試験の出題範囲:

トピック 1
  • マルチコンテナポッド-マルチコンテナポッドのデザインパターンを理解する
トピック 2
  • 状態の永続性-ストレージの永続的なボリュームクレームを理解する
トピック 3
  • 構成-NetworkPoliciesの基本的な理解を示します
  • サービスを理解します
  • サービスとネットワーキング
トピック 4
  • コアコンセプト-基本ポッドの作成と設定
  • KubernetesAPIプリミティブの理解
トピック 5
  • 可観測性-Kubernetesでのデバッグを理解する
  • コンテナログを理解する
トピック 6
  • SecurityContextsを理解する
  • ConfigMapsを理解する
  • シークレットを作成して消費する
トピック 7
  • ラベル、セレクター、アノテーションの使用方法を理解する
  • デプロイメントを理解する方法とロールバックを実行する方法を理解する
トピック 8
  • ポッドの設計-ジョブとCronJobを理解する
  • 展開とローリング更新を実行する方法を理解する


質問 10

Given a container that writes a log file in format A and a container that converts log files from format A to format B, create a deployment that runs both containers such that the log files from the first container are converted by the second container, emitting logs in format B.
* Create a deployment named deployment-xyz in the default namespace, that:
* Includes a primary
lfccncf/busybox:1 container, named logger-dev
* includes a sidecar Ifccncf/fluentd:v0.12 container, named adapter-zen
* Mounts a shared volume /tmp/log on both containers, which does not persist when the pod is deleted
* Instructs the logger-dev
container to run the command

which should output logs to /tmp/log/input.log in plain text format, with example values:

* The adapter-zen sidecar container should read /tmp/log/input.log and output the data to /tmp/log/output.* in Fluentd JSON format. Note that no knowledge of Fluentd is required to complete this task: all you will need to achieve this is to create the ConfigMap from the spec file provided at /opt/KDMC00102/fluentd-configma p.yaml , and mount that ConfigMap to /fluentd/etc in the adapter-zen sidecar container

  • A. Solution:

  • B. Solution:

正解: B


質問 11

Create a new deployment for running.nginx with the following parameters;
* Run the deployment in the kdpd00201 namespace. The namespace has already been created
* Name the deployment frontend and configure with 4 replicas
* Configure the pod with a container image of lfccncf/nginx:1.13.7
* Set an environment variable of NGINX__PORT=8080 and also expose that port for the container above

  • A. Solution:

  • B. Solution:

正解: B


質問 12
Anytime a team needs to run a container on Kubernetes they will need to define a pod within which to run the container.
Please complete the following:
* Create a YAML formatted pod manifest
/opt/KDPD00101/podl.yml to create a pod named app1 that runs a container named app1cont using image Ifccncf/arg-output
with these command line arguments: -lines 56 -F
* Create the pod with the kubect1 command using the YAML file created in the previous step
* When the pod is running display summary data about the pod in JSON format using the kubect1 command and redirect the output to a file named /opt/KDPD00101/out1.json
* All of the files you need to work with have been created, empty, for your convenience

  • A. Solution:

  • B. Solution:

正解: B


質問 13

A deployment is falling on the cluster due to an incorrect image being specified. Locate the deployment, and fix the problem.

  • A. Pending

正解: A


質問 14

A user has reported an aopticauon is unteachable due to a failing livenessProbe .
Perform the following tasks:
* Find the broken pod and store its name and namespace to /opt/KDOB00401/broken.txt in the format:

The output file has already been created
* Store the associated error events to a file /opt/KDOB00401/error.txt, The output file has already been created. You will need to use the -o wide output specifier with your command
* Fix the issue.

  • A. Solution:
    Create the Pod:
    kubectl create -f http://k8s.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/exec-liveness.yaml
    Within 30 seconds, view the Pod events:
    kubectl describe pod liveness-exec
    The output indicates that no liveness probes have failed yet:
    FirstSeen LastSeen Count From SubobjectPath Type Reason Message
    --------- -------- ----- ---- ------------- -------- ------ -------
    24s 24s 1 {default-scheduler } Normal Scheduled Successfully assigned liveness-exec to worker0
    23s 23s 1 {kubelet worker0} spec.containers{liveness} Normal Pulling pulling image "gcr.io/google_containers/busybox"
    23s 23s 1 {kubelet worker0} spec.containers{liveness} Normal Pulled Successfully pulled image "gcr.io/google_containers/busybox"
    23s 23s 1 {kubelet worker0} spec.containers{liveness} Normal Created Created container with docker id 86849c15382e; Security:[seccomp=unconfined]
    23s 23s 1 {kubelet worker0} spec.containers{liveness} Normal Started Started container with docker id 86849c15382e
    After 35 seconds, view the Pod events again:
    kubectl describe pod liveness-exec
    At the bottom of the output, there are messages indicating that the liveness probes have failed, and the containers have been killed and recreated.
    FirstSeen LastSeen Count From SubobjectPath Type Reason Message
    --------- -------- ----- ---- ------------- -------- ------ -------
    37s 37s 1 {default-scheduler } Normal Scheduled Successfully assigned liveness-exec to worker0
    36s 36s 1 {kubelet worker0} spec.containers{liveness} Normal Pulling pulling image "gcr.io/google_containers/busybox"
    36s 36s 1 {kubelet worker0} spec.containers{liveness} Normal Pulled Successfully pulled image "gcr.io/google_containers/busybox"
    36s 36s 1 {kubelet worker0} spec.containers{liveness} Normal Created Created container with docker id 86849c15382e; Security:[seccomp=unconfined]
    36s 36s 1 {kubelet worker0} spec.containers{liveness} Normal Started Started container with docker id 86849c15382e
    2s 2s 1 {kubelet worker0} spec.containers{liveness} Warning Unhealthy Liveness probe failed: cat: can't open '/tmp/healthy': No such file or directory
    Wait another 30 seconds, and verify that the Container has been restarted:
    kubectl get pod liveness-exec
    The output shows that RESTARTS has been incremented:
    liveness-exec 1/1 Running 1 m
  • B. Solution:
    Create the Pod:
    kubectl create -f http://k8s.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/exec-liveness.yaml
    Within 30 seconds, view the Pod events:
    kubectl describe pod liveness-exec
    The output indicates that no liveness probes have failed yet:
    FirstSeen LastSeen Count From SubobjectPath Type Reason Message
    --------- -------- ----- ---- ------------- -------- ------ -------
    24s 24s 1 {default-scheduler } Normal Scheduled Successfully assigned liveness-exec to worker0
    23s 23s 1 {kubelet worker0} spec.containers{liveness} Normal Pulling pulling image "gcr.io/google_containers/busybox"
    kubectl describe pod liveness-exec
    At the bottom of the output, there are messages indicating that the liveness probes have failed, and the containers have been killed and recreated.
    FirstSeen LastSeen Count From SubobjectPath Type Reason Message
    --------- -------- ----- ---- ------------- -------- ------ -------
    37s 37s 1 {default-scheduler } Normal Scheduled Successfully assigned liveness-exec to worker0
    36s 36s 1 {kubelet worker0} spec.containers{liveness} Normal Pulling pulling image "gcr.io/google_containers/busybox"
    36s 36s 1 {kubelet worker0} spec.containers{liveness} Normal Pulled Successfully pulled image "gcr.io/google_containers/busybox"
    36s 36s 1 {kubelet worker0} spec.containers{liveness} Normal Created Created container with docker id 86849c15382e; Security:[seccomp=unconfined]
    36s 36s 1 {kubelet worker0} spec.containers{liveness} Normal Started Started container with docker id 86849c15382e
    2s 2s 1 {kubelet worker0} spec.containers{liveness} Warning Unhealthy Liveness probe failed: cat: can't open '/tmp/healthy': No such file or directory
    Wait another 30 seconds, and verify that the Container has been restarted:
    kubectl get pod liveness-exec
    The output shows that RESTARTS has been incremented:
    liveness-exec 1/1 Running 1 m

正解: A


質問 15

Developers occasionally need to submit pods that run periodically.
Follow the steps below to create a pod that will start at a predetermined time and]which runs to completion only once each time it is started:
* Create a YAML formatted Kubernetes manifest /opt/KDPD00301/periodic.yaml that runs the following shell command: date in a single busybox container. The command should run every minute and must complete within 22 seconds or be terminated oy Kubernetes. The Cronjob namp and container name should both be hello
* Create the resource in the above manifest and verify that the job executes successfully at least once

  • A. Solution:

  • B. Solution:

正解: B


質問 16

It is always useful to look at the resources your applications are consuming in a cluster.
* From the pods running in namespace cpu-stress , write the name only of the pod that is consuming the most CPU to file /opt/KDOBG030l/pod.txt, which has already been created.

  • A. Solution:
  • B. Solution:

正解: B


質問 17

You sometimes need to observe a pod's logs, and write those logs to a file for further analysis.
Please complete the following;
* Deploy the counter pod to the cluster using the provided YAMLspec file at /opt/KDOB00201/counter.yaml
* Retrieve all currently available application logs from the running pod and store them in the file /opt/KDOB0020l/log_Output.txt, which has already been created

  • A. Solution:

  • B. Solution:

正解: B


質問 18

リアル問題集Linux Foundation CKAD試験問題 [更新されたのは2022年]:https://www.jpntest.com/shiken/CKAD-mondaishu



オンラインサポート時間:( UTC+9 ) 9:00-24:00
